The internet journal of the Leibniz Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies e.V.
[ ISSN 1864-6972 ]
With the online journal LIFIS ONLINE, established in April 2007, we shall trigger and foster the interdisciplinary dialogue within the scientific community, between science and economy and last but not least between science, economy and politics, thus avoiding the delay of conventional channels of publication. Representatives from science, economy and political circles are invited to stimulate and encourage the public interdisciplinary discourse with articles on interdisciplinary research work from their own spheres of activity.
LIFIS ONLINE is a redactionally driven journal, supervised by its editorial board. LIFIS ONLINE presents primary publications – in German as well as in English. Articles from other sources can be accepted if their content contributes essentially to the interdisciplinary topics discussed in this journal. LIFIS ONLINE is edited continuously after the receipt of the articles.
LIFIS ONLINE is an Open Access journal. The contributions are archived by TIB Hannover and fed into the relevant Open_Access networks. Contributions are published under the Creative Commons licence CC-BY. Copyright is held by the authors, who are also responsible for the correct citation of texts and illustrations used.
Subject Areas
- Digital Change
- Innovation and Systematic Inventions
- Innovative Conversion and Use of Energy and Materials
- Intelligent Logistics and Competency Management
- Cognitive Structures
- Nano- and Mikrostructures, New Materials
- Systems of Sensors and Aktors, Ubiquitous Elektronics
- Science in Context
Editorial Board
- Gerhard Banse, Berlin
- Bernd Junghans, Dresden
- Gerhard Öhlmann, Berlin
- Frieder Sieber, Berlin
- Hans-Gert Gräbe, Leipzig (Main Redactor)
- Bernd Junghans, Dresden
- Nadine Schlüter, Wuppertal
- Dieter Skrobotz, Berlin
c/o Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Gräbe (V.i.S.P.)
Herwigstraße 30, D – 04279 Leipzig
Fon: + 49 (0341) 3338 639
E-Mail: graebe@informatik.uni-leipzig.de